Saturday 31 March 2007

When Will We Be Free?

I think that the media is the weapon of choice of governments and big business. There is so much information out there and much of it is disinformation. We are crushed by a combination of politics, religion and (lack of) money. News is full of stuff about terrorism and war (much of which is created deliberately to instill fear in the population), CO2 greenhouse gas (how many have looked up at the sun and back in time to temperature records?) and celebrities (to take our minds off things and make us consume).

Things need to change. Change can be done in many ways. I am only going to talk about peaceful methods because they are the ones that will ultimately work. These include the use of media and information to fight back. These techniques include awareness online, alternative TV, alternative press and independent scientific research presented to the public in a clear and concise way. Also, there are global peaceful protests and the idea synchronous thinking and meditation on peace. These would need to be done but a large percentage of the population and may affect our way of thinking if not the physical reality around us. Maybe we could use some of the environmental issues as test cases.

Here are some sites to check:

What the Bleep do we know?
Stop the war coalition
Out There TV
TerrorStorm (Alex Jones)

Question everything you see and hear and if something feels wrong then it is worth investigating further.

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