Sunday 8 July 2007

Peroxide Blondes and Clones

I find it annoying when people buy or do things just because they see someone on TV with this item or looking that way. Examples include extreme slimming to look like emaciated supermodels, wearing designer clothes that cost a bomb, and buying the latest gadgets that depreciate to half their value after a couple of months.

What I am interested in knowing is the percentage of natural blondes who live in the UK and how many more people dye their hair to look like them. Whilst it is disgusting to see the roots of the natural colour peek through it is even more worrying to find so many people that naive and gullible to look like other people just to attract the opposite sex.

It is one of many instances of clone-washing that stretches from the use of mobile phones for idle chatter, overpowering make-up and perfumes and laptops taken everywhere so the owners can continue working when they leave their offices. It is called progress and its price can be seen all around us.

There are all the CCTV cameras, the smoking ban and the massive increase in depression, stress and mental illness. Fear is increasing as we enter the 19 Brave New World 84 zone.

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